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Санкт-Петербургская классическая гимназия №610


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выпускница Дарья Кулешова: Надеюсь, что это прояснит немного (получено от французского друга): // 15 ноября 2005, 21:32

"France is a country where capitalists play the major role - It is an unegalitarian country -

The official speech is : there's no work anymore.

In fact it's false : there is work but dirty work - e.g. cleaning companies - in
those companies, people who accept to work without any protest for the smallest salaries are neither Christian French, nor Islam French. Christians reject works which humiliates them, and Islam French would do the same, if only such jobs were proposed to them.

Things are not so simple, because even if Islamic 3rd generation French are ghettoized, they anyway react like other kinds of French - most of them are miserably unqualified, say they want to work, but reject the only works for which they could be adapted - so that if you observe cleaning companies e.g., you'll see among the staff neither Christian nor Islam French, but Sikhs, Pakists, black Africans etc.

Nowadays it's a deep problem of society, in which incapable people reject the jobs that they possibly could do - and this not only with kids in the suburbs - I experience this right now with our concierge, who wants to play little master, but is in all regard unable and disabled - we are working to fire him - and he's a Chris French....

It is a world in which the traditional values of work are collapsing, because many elementary duties are now accomplished by machines (computers destroyed thousands of jobs) or imported goods at low price from countries where the wages are ridiculous.

More than ever, we live in a society which sings the virtues of careless life, as at the same time there's such a need to struggle for highly qualified tech- or scientifical jobs, which requires a personal ascetic student life.

Our 3d generation Arab French - kids express this in the most violent way because they are today the lowest and cheapest part of our society".

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«Гимназия есть школа для той части народа, которая с помощью знания законов человечества хочет встать в ряды передовых людей, руководящих государственным развитием, или посредством разумения законов природы способствовать совершенствованию практической жизни»

О. Шрадер,
немецкий лингвист и историк