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Санкт-Петербургская классическая гимназия №610


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выпускница Дарья Кулешова: Как тебе такая работка // 30 июня 2005, 13:06

"Microalbuminuria or oligoalbuminuria? The
importance of the classical languages in the
formation medical neologisms" from National
Library of Medicine (работа на испанском, к

А вот еще аргумент:
"If Latin is the language of the European
civilization, Greek is the language of culture
par excellence in the European space".

И еще:
"these are the reasons for learning ancient
languages in our modern world: One, supported by the anecdote of Bernard Ehrlich, is that ancient writings are infinitely more valuable in their original form, since a translation can never sound quite as impressive. The second reason is that ancient languages are still in use for international terms in science, as Isaac Asimov tells in his history of scientific words, and in law, as stated by Ehrlich. The third reason is that the study of ancient languages can help us speak and understand English and other modern languages more thoroughly, because many words from the ancient tongues are still part of our languages today".
(from the article "The Continuing Importance of Learning Ancient Languages"

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«Классическое образование не имеет в виду научить полезному, а лишь утончить ум настолько, чтобы он уже навсегда мог разбираться в полезном и бесполезном, второстепенном и существенном»

В. В. Розанов,
русский философ, публицист и критик